Monday, July 30, 2007
New P-List, Holmes!
Yo, so i updated the playlist things i been listening to all summer! here are some recommendation, hope you like em!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Ted Leo, I gotta love you
Amazing cover of Since U Been Gone, by Ted Leo.
One of my all time favourite pop songs, its a fact i like my Kelly Clarkson music loud, and all the time. This song is actually great on a musical and Lyrical stand point, hence why when someone covers it, it is just as good!
Here it is!
One of my all time favourite pop songs, its a fact i like my Kelly Clarkson music loud, and all the time. This song is actually great on a musical and Lyrical stand point, hence why when someone covers it, it is just as good!
Here it is!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Editing glimerring hope...
Todays band is one that was formed in the most obvious of place, Staffordshire University majoring in Music Technology. They have gained a large indie following, particularly in England. Much like most indie bands in England, they all have a rather similar style and sound, this band is no different. The band is none other than The Editors!!

With their first album gaining such critical success, the second one would be met with as much anticipation as could be expected. The hype behind this album was quiet the site, from tv ads to overplaying tracks on the Radio. The hype was being built but would it match expectations. The new album is An End Has a Start

The album has a great feel to it, and has a lot of bright spots. The sound is very close to a Morrissey-esque sound, this sound is also very similar to Interpol. Much like most british pop, they find a sound that is new and unique, and then leech off it. I know that might have pissed off a lot of people, but it's true, they go in new direction and then every band does that exact sound. With that in mind, this is a great album; i would actually say, if you love this sound Buy this album! However when it comes to grading it, you gotta really look what's out there, and I am certain you can find better albums, by better artist. With all that being said, i love the album and highly enjoyed it, but there is little to no hold factor, to make me Keep listening.
MY Review 7.5/10
You like this style 9.7/10
You hate this style 3/10

With their first album gaining such critical success, the second one would be met with as much anticipation as could be expected. The hype behind this album was quiet the site, from tv ads to overplaying tracks on the Radio. The hype was being built but would it match expectations. The new album is An End Has a Start

The album has a great feel to it, and has a lot of bright spots. The sound is very close to a Morrissey-esque sound, this sound is also very similar to Interpol. Much like most british pop, they find a sound that is new and unique, and then leech off it. I know that might have pissed off a lot of people, but it's true, they go in new direction and then every band does that exact sound. With that in mind, this is a great album; i would actually say, if you love this sound Buy this album! However when it comes to grading it, you gotta really look what's out there, and I am certain you can find better albums, by better artist. With all that being said, i love the album and highly enjoyed it, but there is little to no hold factor, to make me Keep listening.
MY Review 7.5/10
You like this style 9.7/10
You hate this style 3/10
Monday, July 23, 2007
Right now, i am at a cross road, trying to find out where i want to take this site. I have a couple of dilemma's so post will be spread out, but there will be some. Don't worry.
Go Check Out Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups
Go Check Out Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Kanye West In Ottawa
Here Is a Video Of Kanye Live:
Now Kanye was a spectacle it wasn't just an amazing show, but he had everyone in love with him. In the crowd the umbrellas popped up before kanye came out, this led to many many Boos and Chirps to the people holding up the umbrellas. Side note who ever the hell brought that umbrella that could only be used for Al Roker, you need to die. This guy had like a 5 meter umbrella and was front row, i mean you just wanted to boot him in the head. Odds Are if the fella next to me could, he would have. Kanye walks out, and now i am official inside the person infront of me due to the ridiculous PUSHING of people behind me, which i am not complainin about...but it did get annoying when i wanted to reach in my pocket, and well just couldn't get in there. A-trak Was absolutely on fire, his remix of My Love by JT was ridiculous. And his increase in the amplitude was bang on. Kanye played all his hits and fan favourites such as Addiction and Get Em' High.
Kanye West had to be hands down the BEST live Show at Bluesfest
Rock goes to White Stripe
Fun factor Gogol Bordello or Alexisonfire
Band You probably didn't know and should have seen Built To Spill or Xavier Rudd
Biggest Let Down: Bob Dylan or Van Morrison
Band I wish i saw: Steve Miller Band
Biggest Shocker: Me liking Blue Rodeo
Biggest Douchebag: Bob Dylan
Now Kanye was a spectacle it wasn't just an amazing show, but he had everyone in love with him. In the crowd the umbrellas popped up before kanye came out, this led to many many Boos and Chirps to the people holding up the umbrellas. Side note who ever the hell brought that umbrella that could only be used for Al Roker, you need to die. This guy had like a 5 meter umbrella and was front row, i mean you just wanted to boot him in the head. Odds Are if the fella next to me could, he would have. Kanye walks out, and now i am official inside the person infront of me due to the ridiculous PUSHING of people behind me, which i am not complainin about...but it did get annoying when i wanted to reach in my pocket, and well just couldn't get in there. A-trak Was absolutely on fire, his remix of My Love by JT was ridiculous. And his increase in the amplitude was bang on. Kanye played all his hits and fan favourites such as Addiction and Get Em' High.
Kanye West had to be hands down the BEST live Show at Bluesfest
Rock goes to White Stripe
Fun factor Gogol Bordello or Alexisonfire
Band You probably didn't know and should have seen Built To Spill or Xavier Rudd
Biggest Let Down: Bob Dylan or Van Morrison
Band I wish i saw: Steve Miller Band
Biggest Shocker: Me liking Blue Rodeo
Biggest Douchebag: Bob Dylan
Monday, July 16, 2007
I wake up at the End of a Long Dark Lonely year...
SO, I passed my classes, if you know me you know this has been a hard year. I gotta thank anyone who supported me, who had my back. I promise to review the Kanye performance i am just kinda waiting for pictures! so just hold back.
Thanks a million for all 2 of you still reading this!
Thanks a million for all 2 of you still reading this!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
MY thoughts on Drugs and Celebrities
Personally lately we all have been hearing about Lindsay Lohan's Cocaine issue, Paris Hilton's Pot smoking and well Britney Spear's...well Britney Spears and whatever is in her Medicine Cabinet (sounds like a Harry Potter Title. Personally when did we become blind, and think that Celebrities are perfect angels. Now i don't do Drugs, not my thing, but at the same time i can list over 100 people off the top of my head that i know smoked pot, i can list 50 who have done cocaine, i can list 25 who have done hard drugs and about 30 that have done Prescription Pills. None of those people I really think are bad people, in fact some of them are my closest and best friends in the world. So what if Paris Hilton Smokes Weed, do we really give a shit, think last night, you were probably at a party with people smoking Weed. So what do we just think that all celebrities have to be role models. Well i agree with that, only why do we have to focus on their flaws. If Nicole Richie did charity work, or Paris Hilton did something for make a wish, that would not be written about, not by a long shot. Yet, if they smoke a little weed thats front page worthy news. I find it pitiful, that there are people who make a career out of it. Now i Used to be a Chronic Perez Hilton Reader, then I heard about him mocking a baby just saying "What an ugly baby!" After that I kinda just got upset and thought, how low have i sunk, that I actually made a guy whose career is about writing on other people's lives, famous himself. Look Celebrities are young, let them do their shit, let them learn their life lessons, and for the love of god having a drink on the weekend, every weekend doesn't make you an ALCOHOLIC!
People can we just stop putting them on Hero status, and realize they are just like you and me, let them smoke, drink and piss in peace.
Side note If you can avoid Perez Hilton because I can't get behind a guy who smack talks a baby!
People can we just stop putting them on Hero status, and realize they are just like you and me, let them smoke, drink and piss in peace.
Side note If you can avoid Perez Hilton because I can't get behind a guy who smack talks a baby!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Who'd Thought Two Letters would make more Money than you!
Today I am Doing a Review, this has been a while and i know that some people have been asking me if i have given up. I will tell you this, I have something in the works that has me quiet excited, you will see very soon.
So todays artist is one that has had the ears of the south ringing for a long time. He has a criminal record that would make 50 cent blush. You have seen him in almost every remix made this year. I mean how could anyone ignore a Justin Timberlake song...I know I can't. The artist is quiet obviously T.I.

Like T.I. or not you gotta respect him, his original name was T.I.P, but he shortened it to T.I. out of respect to one of my heroes in Rap, Q-Tip. T.I. had a year only few could dream of. Grammy, Movie Roles, Critic's Top Ten List, A must have on any track...and now to see if he can stay as "King". His new album is T.I. Vs T.I.P.

The new album is a pretty ordinary rap album. Big Kick Bass beats, the odd addition instruments. The album starts with an Interlude that brings up the highs and lows of T.I.'s year, from the movie role to the miscarriage of his daughter. Also mentioned was the death of his friend, this leads to fast pace rap, as seen in T.I.'s lines in "We Takin Over". The album has a lot of guest appearances from "Jay-Z, Wyclef to Eminem." Some songs are almost explosive and have you off your seat, others I feel are flops, espicially with someone with the talent of T.I. Da Dopeman, might have some people feeling it but i for sure couldn't. This album is a great album for straight hip hop rap album. Bur again he suffers from one problem having a previous album that TRUMPS this one. King was better than this and again that hurts my ruling. None the less a solid stand up album for any rap fan.
My Review: 6.5/10
If you love rap 9.4/10
if you hate rap 4/10 (It's T.I. you gotta love him he is the king after all)
So todays artist is one that has had the ears of the south ringing for a long time. He has a criminal record that would make 50 cent blush. You have seen him in almost every remix made this year. I mean how could anyone ignore a Justin Timberlake song...I know I can't. The artist is quiet obviously T.I.

Like T.I. or not you gotta respect him, his original name was T.I.P, but he shortened it to T.I. out of respect to one of my heroes in Rap, Q-Tip. T.I. had a year only few could dream of. Grammy, Movie Roles, Critic's Top Ten List, A must have on any track...and now to see if he can stay as "King". His new album is T.I. Vs T.I.P.

The new album is a pretty ordinary rap album. Big Kick Bass beats, the odd addition instruments. The album starts with an Interlude that brings up the highs and lows of T.I.'s year, from the movie role to the miscarriage of his daughter. Also mentioned was the death of his friend, this leads to fast pace rap, as seen in T.I.'s lines in "We Takin Over". The album has a lot of guest appearances from "Jay-Z, Wyclef to Eminem." Some songs are almost explosive and have you off your seat, others I feel are flops, espicially with someone with the talent of T.I. Da Dopeman, might have some people feeling it but i for sure couldn't. This album is a great album for straight hip hop rap album. Bur again he suffers from one problem having a previous album that TRUMPS this one. King was better than this and again that hurts my ruling. None the less a solid stand up album for any rap fan.
My Review: 6.5/10
If you love rap 9.4/10
if you hate rap 4/10 (It's T.I. you gotta love him he is the king after all)
Monday, July 9, 2007
Stripes of white!
So last night i got to see one of the bands i was most stoked to see at this years bluesfest. THE WHITE STRIPES. Now this is a band that supposedly has a live show that is through the roof. Now i won't lie i didn't know A LOT of their stuff but i knew enough to get by, GET BY I DID! Jack White and Meg White come out and just from start to finish rocked the hell out of you. Every time you think it can't get better it does just that, gets that much better. Remember how I said Bob Dylan didn't talk to the crowd, well for the first couple of songs neither did they, but then when they did, it was short, sweet and to the point. They had an amazing stage presence and had people in the crowd loving them all the way through. This is a definite MUST SEE band. The bar has been set by the White Stripes now lets see if any band can battle them for this years KING OF BLUESFEST.
Note to Tall people:
I HATE YOU, you are always in my way at shows and then when i find a good place, you seem to magically find it too and stand DIRECTLY in front of me..CUT IT OUT!
blah i hate my shortness.
Anyways White Stripes were Killer. Now lets see BUILT TO SPILL!
Note to Tall people:
I HATE YOU, you are always in my way at shows and then when i find a good place, you seem to magically find it too and stand DIRECTLY in front of me..CUT IT OUT!
blah i hate my shortness.
Anyways White Stripes were Killer. Now lets see BUILT TO SPILL!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
So i spent the last 2 days in the middle of nowhere, so i had no internet access, no cell phone network, but never the less, i did get to play in a softball tourney, skimboard and see some good ol live Country cover band....IT was well Country.
That said i did just miss 2 days of bluesfest including my beloved Kid Koala, but at times you gotta make decisions, Friends vs Concerts....Friends won.
That said tonite is gonna be a SPECTACLE.............
I am stoked
on my way
That said i did just miss 2 days of bluesfest including my beloved Kid Koala, but at times you gotta make decisions, Friends vs Concerts....Friends won.
That said tonite is gonna be a SPECTACLE.............
I am stoked
on my way
Friday, July 6, 2007
Bobby D and City And Colour
So I am done one day at the bluesfest and both artist that i saw where quiet good. I will start with City and Colour (Dallas Green). Now this would be my second time in a row seeing him in the summer, so it was quiet nice. He always knows how to entertain the crowd and have everyone get involved. He has a great stage presence and amazing vocal skills. Hearing him was just a treat, and he tossed in a few covers for some of the older folks. It would be hard for me to find a reason why he wasn't enjoyable, i left near the end to set myself up for a great spot to watch BOB DYLAN!
Now when Bob Dylan, a legend, walks out on the stage, there is not much you can say but wow. After pinching myself to realize I am seeing him alive, I started to wonder if he would speak to us. I heard he doesn't banter much anymore, but from a guy who said he used to talk more than play music, you'd expect a "hello, Thanks for coming" or "Let's start a revolution tonight Ottawa!" or even "Can you turn my Monitors up". But alas we got nothing, I mean ZERO not even a thanks for coming. It bothered me to a point where i was getting mad. Now i won't take away from the performance because it was one of the few shows i been to where the vocals came out loud and clear, only problem was well if you ever listened to Bob Dylan the fun is making out the vocals. HE was a great time, and truly was a treat to see him on stage.
All in all 1 day down and a bunch more to go!
This is to anyone/EVERYONE bringing lawn chairs. Do me a Favour there is a spot inbetween the stages set up for you to sit and watch the shoe, so people that want to stand can, but being in the front area with "death Traps" aka Chairs folded up on the floor or set up with no one Close to sitting on it, its just Effing annoying. 4 times i almost twisted my ankle on a god damn folded up chair. I don't mind bringing chairs, hell i will be doin for some shows, but It takes up a lot of room and is a nuisance when its in the bloody area near the stage. PLUS I am yet to see ANYONE in that area SIT ON ONE! Folks do me a favour and just sit in the mid section if you have chairs, its safer, smarter and yes, you can still see!.
Today's menu consist of Kid Koala! I am hopin to see a lack of chairs.
Now when Bob Dylan, a legend, walks out on the stage, there is not much you can say but wow. After pinching myself to realize I am seeing him alive, I started to wonder if he would speak to us. I heard he doesn't banter much anymore, but from a guy who said he used to talk more than play music, you'd expect a "hello, Thanks for coming" or "Let's start a revolution tonight Ottawa!" or even "Can you turn my Monitors up". But alas we got nothing, I mean ZERO not even a thanks for coming. It bothered me to a point where i was getting mad. Now i won't take away from the performance because it was one of the few shows i been to where the vocals came out loud and clear, only problem was well if you ever listened to Bob Dylan the fun is making out the vocals. HE was a great time, and truly was a treat to see him on stage.
All in all 1 day down and a bunch more to go!
This is to anyone/EVERYONE bringing lawn chairs. Do me a Favour there is a spot inbetween the stages set up for you to sit and watch the shoe, so people that want to stand can, but being in the front area with "death Traps" aka Chairs folded up on the floor or set up with no one Close to sitting on it, its just Effing annoying. 4 times i almost twisted my ankle on a god damn folded up chair. I don't mind bringing chairs, hell i will be doin for some shows, but It takes up a lot of room and is a nuisance when its in the bloody area near the stage. PLUS I am yet to see ANYONE in that area SIT ON ONE! Folks do me a favour and just sit in the mid section if you have chairs, its safer, smarter and yes, you can still see!.
Today's menu consist of Kid Koala! I am hopin to see a lack of chairs.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
So if you know guitar hero, here is your first view of Rock band.
yep my nipples are already ROCK HARD!
yep my nipples are already ROCK HARD!
What Gives?
I will tell what gives:
Simple no time. I wake my ass up at like 2pm. Roll out of bed shower, than roll out of my house only to get back at about 4 in the morning. I have wanted to write my Review of the new T.I. Album for a while. Unfortunately its bluesfest and i will be talkin about all the shows i see with (hopefully) Pictures, this should be a fun 2 weeks enjoy the ride,
sorry for my Disorganizations, but i am a man with no time.
Simple no time. I wake my ass up at like 2pm. Roll out of bed shower, than roll out of my house only to get back at about 4 in the morning. I have wanted to write my Review of the new T.I. Album for a while. Unfortunately its bluesfest and i will be talkin about all the shows i see with (hopefully) Pictures, this should be a fun 2 weeks enjoy the ride,
sorry for my Disorganizations, but i am a man with no time.
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