So todays artist is one that has had the ears of the south ringing for a long time. He has a criminal record that would make 50 cent blush. You have seen him in almost every remix made this year. I mean how could anyone ignore a Justin Timberlake song...I know I can't. The artist is quiet obviously T.I.

Like T.I. or not you gotta respect him, his original name was T.I.P, but he shortened it to T.I. out of respect to one of my heroes in Rap, Q-Tip. T.I. had a year only few could dream of. Grammy, Movie Roles, Critic's Top Ten List, A must have on any track...and now to see if he can stay as "King". His new album is T.I. Vs T.I.P.

The new album is a pretty ordinary rap album. Big Kick Bass beats, the odd addition instruments. The album starts with an Interlude that brings up the highs and lows of T.I.'s year, from the movie role to the miscarriage of his daughter. Also mentioned was the death of his friend, this leads to fast pace rap, as seen in T.I.'s lines in "We Takin Over". The album has a lot of guest appearances from "Jay-Z, Wyclef to Eminem." Some songs are almost explosive and have you off your seat, others I feel are flops, espicially with someone with the talent of T.I. Da Dopeman, might have some people feeling it but i for sure couldn't. This album is a great album for straight hip hop rap album. Bur again he suffers from one problem having a previous album that TRUMPS this one. King was better than this and again that hurts my ruling. None the less a solid stand up album for any rap fan.
My Review: 6.5/10
If you love rap 9.4/10
if you hate rap 4/10 (It's T.I. you gotta love him he is the king after all)
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