Today's band is one of my favourite. We all at one point or another have loved atleast one song by this band, whether it was 'The Middle', 'Sweetness', 'Pain' or even 'Work' this band has a dedicated fan base. The band is Jimmy Eat World!!!!
Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy....after 14 years of being indie/punk/alt rock heroes it was about time they get back to where they were when they unleashed 'The Middle'. Jimmy Eat World has been that band that when you need a great supporting band for a tour, they are one of the first to call up. They have toured with the who's who of pop-punk, this helped increase their fanbase. Their new album is called Chase The Light!!!
Jimmy Eat World has a set sound, although Future, their last effort, was seen as a much slower album, this one is much more up tempo and more reminiscent of their earlier work such as Clarity and Bleed America. Jimmy Eat World have been masters of lyrics, and fans will not be disappointed with this album. Jim Adkins truly can pen songs with such emotion and aggression that makes at least one song appeal to everyone. If you haven't warmed up to Jimmy Eat World until now, then this could be the album that pushes you into checking their discography more in depth. However keep in mind for Jimmy Eat World Fans, this album sounds just like they always have, so its really nothing new...hence the title of this BLOG!
MY Review: 7.6/10
If You Like This Style 8.7/10
If You Hate This Style 4/10
***Note: Picture Uploader wasn't working Super Sorry!***
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