Luis Dubuc Is the man behind the group, there is no real band except for the live shows. The style is one similar to Hellogoodbye, electric keyboards over a electronical vocals. The Latest EP is Summer Of '98!

It features three tracks and then 4 remixes. I am quite a fan of remixes, due to the fact i love seeing how other bands can make a song sound so different just by screwing around with effects and drum beats. The lyrics are pretty emo at times, but at the same time if you really listen the story is the usual pop-punk love ballads. I do enjoy them, and in fact there isn't one person who hasn't been through this. When on a vacation and just left to your thoughts and someone keeps crossing your mind. On a whole I enjoy this style of music. Therefore this is a band to keep your eyes out, especially with a Full Length expected soon. Due to this being an EP i really want rate it, like go to his myspace and check out some of the songs.
Hey guys so ya I appologize if my grammar is off at times, no matter how frequent they are, but two things to keep in mind, this is a blog and I am very limited with time i can spend on this thing. I really believe the main thing is talkin about music and spreading the word. My English grades in school weren't the greatest because, if you ever met me you know, i am a talker not a writer. That said these blogs are written off the top of my head on this window. My head doesn't think about punctuation, so i do try to insert them when i realize but for the most part i don't. I really am grateful to everyone checkin this out, and hopefully diggin it. I do hope that after exams are done for me that the quality improves, hell i know i cant do much about the quantity, 1 a Day should keep y'all happy. That said today's blog is rather short, due to it was an EP and nothing much i can do with that, i am taking request for CDs people want so just send them to my email, i.guess.you.can.email.me@gmail.com. That is my email not a fake and actually say it out loud, pretty funny eh, but a bitch to write.
Anyways my Exam today went Ridiculously well and i had a teacher comment on how good my english abilities are, little did she know i was from Canada and not taught it Egypt. in gave me a little chuckle, anyways thanks and please bare with me while i work on improving things.
Take care
PS! The Starting Line released their single today at 12:01 via Myspace, head over there and listen to island its a good song, welcome back TSL!
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