The National!!
This is another one of those bands from good old Brooklyn, New York. Fresh from their last album 2005's Alligator, the band is back and this time gaining more attention of the mainstream by having there songs played in...One Tree Hill. You know how i feel about that deal, but none the less its working by getting them the attention they need and deserve. There latest effort is called Boxer!
The album starts with a jumpy piano arrangement that leads into the singing of a very deep Baritone sounding Matt Berninger. This is the style that you heard before, you recognize it but can't put your finger on it, the closest I can come up with is Bruce Springsteen's "The Secret Garden". Its not the same but it has the feeling behind it. What really fuels this band and my attention is the Drumming, much like the Walkmen, Wolf Parade and Bloc Party, the overwhelming drumming grabs your attention and keeps it. The music is set up in a way that almost progresses with the listener and is almost designed for people not sure what to expect by starting simply with keys, the vocals by the end you got Brass Sectionals, guitars, Drums and Bass lines all intertwined in such a way that when it ends your left want more, and not just more of that just more of whatever else they throw your way.
The vocals can be something that some people will dislike because remember Baritone isn't the most beautiful sounding vocal range but to me i love it, and frankly i love how it adds with the music.
The Lyrics are well written and poetic in a way that would seem almost as if it's been written about you. The Poetic style is almost similar to Leonard Cohen, but again nothing really holds a candle to Leonard Cohen, but they sure come close.
The last thing i will say about this album is it has a Guest Appearance by one of my all time favourite musicians, Sufjan Steven helms the piano on two tracks "ada" and "Racing Like a Pro". But if your lookin for a familiar voice you will find Sufjan's frequent back up singer, Marla Hansen, singing back up on a number of tracks.
My Review 9.2/10 I absolutely love this album and Thanks Justin this is amazing
You like this style Take a guess 10/10
You hate this style 3/10 the vocals can bother you and it is dark so you might be put off, i am realistic afterall, but seriously your missing out if you dont like this style.
I am at that point where i am out of touch of everything, I been doin all i can to keep up to date but i am too busy for this all, i am looking forward to Thursday because i think i will go out and then focus on my studies again, i know these things must be boring but you know what as boring as my life is, i still keep it fresh. How So you ask, but doin small things that will make me smile or happy while i am stuck in a crappy situation. You gotta find time to do something that will be not too time consuming but also something you kinda have to, i usually choose to do dinner, even if you got exams comin up you gotta eat sometime so why not have a good meal with good friends. I always tend to have a good laugh and share some good stories at the end of the night it makes your chore of studying a little more easy to swallow. I dunno that my little thing, just do something small to make the best of your day even when your stuck studying because you cant really keep focused that long...god knows i can't! Also i had a Crazy Dream last night EVERYONE was in it, even people im not really good friends with, but i woke up and it was nice, because it was me back in the summer and junk it was just nice to see all my friends together and it feel so real! i bet you can all relate.
Anyways take care, thanks to the new visitors, thanks to the old. Keep coming back its been nice thus far n'est pas.
to quote Old Young MC
Bust-a-move...just dont over use it!
For No Reason here's me and a monkey, also my eyes are messed i just had surgery so ya ignore that
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