On with business now that i am done my little blurb....
Todays band, isn't one i am into really, but like i said i will try to to do a lot of bands if i like them or not. This band came into the scene during the mass entrance of Nu-Metal bands...like Korn, Slipknot, Limp Bizkit and all that. I have a high level of respect for this band for their musical creativity, and their ability as musicians, this was evidence by the Mash up that i think made them more acceptable by the main stream crowd that still wasn't into them. The band is none other than Linkin Park!!
On a whole i really have no real passion for this band, but the one thing i do enjoy is Mike Shinoda. I actually enjoy what he does and think he is talented even though the music might not reflect that. The album is of course Minutes to Midnight
we all get the doomsday clock reference here right...ok good lets move past that.
This album starts off with an instrumental arrangement that sets up their new "found themselves" album. The album then has the most "old" Linkin Park sounding song follow called "Given Up" the track starts with hand clapping that would make the shins blush, but then it goes into a hardcore song which defeats the hand clap vibe. There are a lot more ballads that hard songs on this album, which isn't a bad thing because keep in mind Numb was one of their best songs...Unfortunately none hit the mark that numb hit. Bleed it out, would be the most Faint sounding song, with the fast rapping intro over a bed of guitar riffs, but i think the Violin's are missed on this track.
The Give and Take vocals are no longer there between Shinoda and Chester, but at the same time, the way this songs are arranged it would be awkward if it was. Seeing as this was one of the more anticipated rock albums of the year, its a sad let down, and is easily forgettable. If you are a Linkin Park fan, you will probably enjoy this album a lot, the production work by Shinoda and Rick Rubin are impressive, but the songs themselves lack the energy that Linkin Park is known for.
The one thing that should be kept in mind is that the CD comes in collectors editions which come with booklets and DVDs that should make it worth the money, No one can ignore the impressive art work that they have always had. A booklet full with making of... and bonus features a plenty make this a must have for fans, but alas if you don't much feel them, then save the money...
On a side note anyone realize the cover of the album looks like Faith+1's i think there is a law suit to be made here...
MY Review 6.2/10
People who like this style 8-9/10
Peope who hate this style 4/10 i mean they do have something to try.
1 comment:
Nice review bud, I didn't listen to this album yet but I'm on my way because I got it a month ago and it appeared to be a collection of b-sides or something lol..
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